The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
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Funding & Partners
The success of WWF’s policy work at EU level depends on external funding for our priority work, a coordinated and supportive network and strong alliances with key stakeholders and partners.
WWF Network
Throughout the year, many WWF offices provided WWF EU with their expertise and advocacy support. We are particularly grateful to the 17 network offices which contributed financially to our policy and communications activities and campaigns. This support makes it possible for WWF EU to engage in a broad range of policy and legislative processes and represent the voices and concerns of millions of WWF supporters around Europe and the world.
WWF EU is supported both financially and in terms of policy development by major foundations. We are grateful for the continued support from the European Climate Foundation, the KR Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, Oceans 5, the Laudes Foundation, the Flotilla Foundation, the Minor Foundation and the Ecological Restoration Fund.
European Commission
We receive an operating grant from the EU Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) through the LIFE Programme. In 2024, we also received project funding via the Research Executive Agency (REA) and the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR).
Civil Society
WWF EU works with other organisations in various alliances: as a member of the ten biggest EU environmental NGOs in Brussels (Green 10 coalition), the European NGO confederation for relief and development (CONCORD), the Climate Action Network (CAN Europe), the Sustainable Europe coalition, the Living Rivers Europe coalition, the European Habitats Forum (EHF), and the Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature. WWF is also a member of the EU IUU Fishing Coalition and the Blue NGOs coalition based in Brussels.
We also contribute to the following organisations:
Fédération des Associations Européennes (FAIB), Market Advisory Council, North Sea Advisory Council, the Coalition for Energy Savings, Renewables Grid Initiative, Seas at Risk, the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), the Long Distance Advisory Council (LDAC), and the European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS).
More detailed financial information is available in our latest Annual Review and our audited consolidated annual accounts are available from the Belgian National Bank at (registrant number: 0460.057.241).

During the financial year 2024, the WWF European Policy Office has received EU funding through the following grants:
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Project 101112025 — LIFE22 NGO/BE/WWF EPO
- Research Executive Agency (REA). Project 101060707 — MSP4BIO
- Research Executive Agency (REA). Project 101060879 — FISH-X
- Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union under Grant Agreement number: EuropeAid/160048/DH/ACT/MULTI — Eat4Change
- Research Executive Agency (REA). Project 862480 — SHOWCASE
- Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Project 894345 — LEVEL EEI